Thursday, October 9, 2008

Holding Hands with God | Playlist!

Enjoy the latest music from TILT and Spring Garden's finest! Here's the info:
1. In This Torontonian Life | (words and music by Greg Kay)
2. Psalm 25 | (words and music by Anne & Garth Barron)
3. Quicken Me | (words and music by Greg Kay)
4. Agnus Dei (from the "Eucharist of Beulah and Pearl") | (words from ancient liturgy of catholic worship, music by Greg Kay)
5. Amidst Us Our Beloved Stands (from the "Eucharist of Beulah and Pearl") | (words by Charles Spurgeon, music by Greg Kay)
6. Hungry (Falling On My Knees) | (words and music by Kathryn Scott, copyright 1999 Vineyard Songs (UK/Eire). Used by Permission. CCLI License 66885)
7. Abide | (words and music by Greg Kay)

Click here for the lyrics and music

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