Sunday, December 23, 2007

A Worthy Hand-Off | Matt Adams

I found this lost in the recesses of the TILT FTP site and realized it has never been posted on this blog! This is Matt Adams' retelling of the story of Jacob and Esau from our series on Abraham's covenant. Read the text here.


Friday, December 21, 2007

Dave Cooks the Turkey | A Comic book storytime

Here is the video from Light of the World, featuring Matthew Adams reading a story from Stuart McLean's Vinyl Cafe collection.


Monday, October 29, 2007

I will change your name

Here are the words to the song that came to Nick's mind during our worship gathering on Sunday night:

I will change your name
You shall no longer be called
Wounded, outcast
Lonely or afraid

I will change your name
Your new name shall be
Confidence, joyfulness
Overcoming one
Faithfulness, friend of God
One who seeks my face.

Copyright © 1987 Mercy Publishing. All rights reserved. International copyright


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

One Moment In Time | Greg Kay

We sang Greg's latest song on Sunday night, "One Moment In Time". Here is the recording - it's a little rough, but will help to learn it!! Download it here, or listen to it below, or better yet, subscribe to the TILT Music podcast (click on read more below for instructions)

Open up iTunes. You don't have iTunes? Download it here. Once you have downloaded and installed iTunes, follow these simple steps:
1) Click on "iTunes Stores" on the left side of the program window.
2) In the search box, search for "TILT Music".
3) It should be your first hit.
4) Click on the "Subscribe" button.
5) The podcast will begin downloading on to your computer!


Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Walking Together | Worship Music

Here is the music from the worship CD for our small group series - "Walking Together"! CDs will be available next Sunday.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

TILT | Outtakes!

Here are the outtakes from our scripture reading video (watch it here):


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Father's Love | Jay McIntyre

Check out this sweet video by our very own Jay:


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Moose Deer Community Connection | Video

This is a slideshow of pictures from our week up at Moose Deer. Keep praying for these kids!


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Moth And Rust | Greg Kay

As part of the "Moth & Rust" series, Greg also taught us a new song which is simply the Scripture of Matthew 6:19-21. Listen to a recording from Sunday night below or download here.

Download a PDF file of the lyrics, chord chard and sheet music here (right-click and select "save as".
The lyrics:

Don’t store up for yourselves
Treasures on earth
Where moth and rust destroy
And thieves break in and steal
But store up for yourselves
Treasures in heav’n
Where moth and rust do not destroy
And thieves do not break in and steal

Where your treasure is there will your heart be
Where your treasure is there will your heart be


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Outcast (This is Our God) | Greg Kay


Thursday, May 31, 2007

Moths & Rust | Theme Graphics

Here are two pictures for our current theme, which we have entitled "Moths & Rust". We are spending seven weeks journeying through some passages which look at the spirituality of money, God's attitude about it, what stewardship really means.

Scott Moore | From Designed Images

Scott Moore | From Designed Images


Monday, April 16, 2007

St. Peter Icon

Here is the image we used last night to begin our series exploring what is commonly referred to as the "Re-instatement of Peter" found in John 21. This is an icon of Peter:

Designed by Scott | From Designed Images


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

He is Risen! | Easter Image

Here is the image from Sunday's TILT gathering:


Stations of the Cross

Oops! I forgot to say that the pictures from some of the stations are up. Check out the public album here, or just click on the pics for a larger version!


Monday, April 2, 2007

A Journey with Jesus | Image for Stations

Here is last night's image for our stations of the cross adaptation.

Scott Moore | From Designed Images


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"Called" | An Updated Version

Gene couldn't help but notice many people humming the song "Called" (the last one from Sunday night). Given that the current recording was our first time ever playing, we've updated it with a recording from Sunday morning's Spring Garden gathering. Check it out below or in the podcast per usual:


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

A Poem by Heidi

We are the birds
Christ is our wings
The Holy Spirit's our voice that sings
The Almighty is He that makes us want to fly higher
To live closer to Him who never does tire


Journey to the Cross | Theme Image

We did a two-week series on the Journey to the Cross. The first week focused on Jesus' self-awareness of his own death and the second on why Jesus' lifestyle led to his death. Here is the image we had for it!


Monday, February 26, 2007

God's Call IN Your Life | Images

Simon Wukasch | From Reconstructin...Scott Moore | From Reconstructin...


Friday, February 23, 2007

Dreams | Nick Cox

My heart’s desire before You, open wide I laid.
So You could see my thought and dreams, all the plans I’d made.
To You I ran through prayer and praise - with nothing to hide.
And then as silent tears fell I watched, as those dreams I’d seen - they died.

My heart was Yours to shape and to mould,
And I wished to live my life with You and grow old.
Yet as the radiant warmth of those dreams soon faded
So also did my heart grow weak and hard and jaded.

What's left inside, now, Lord, I do not know?
But if your Spirit still resides there, let Him show
His presence in my life so those around me may find
The warm glow of hope and be encouraged, in kind.

But what of those dreams, will they ever return?
Only when in my life I acknowledge You and turn,
To see Your face and outstretched arms that before me lie
And realise that through Your Love, no dreams will ever die.


Going Home? | Nick Cox

Another stone, so round and smooth
to lie within my belly, it will not move.
A piece of dirt, so foreign, so plain,
to swallow, once more, like my guilt and shame.
And now dirt and stones in my body they mix,
just a vain attempt, this pain and anguish to fix.

But to come home to you, father, is what my heart cries.
Yet my sin, so great, always before me now lies.
And that you might not accept me, is really why,
I stay here in this place, with these pigs, so certain to die.

Oh my Lord, lift me up out of this mire
That I might see Your love, gaze in your eyes
And feel wanted, cared for and belonging
Not shunned, cast-out, empty and longing.

So, now I will cast aside this repulsive sty
To begin the journey home to you and fly
Away from this hovel that hides your face
And dwell once again in your love and grace.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

God's Call ON Your Life | Images

Scott Moore | From Reconstructin...Simon Wukasch | From Reconstructin...


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Young Joshua | Gene Tempelmeyer

Gene Tempelmeyer | From Paintings


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Simon's Ever-Changing Image | Week Five

Simon Wukasch | From Reconstructin...


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Music by Greg Kay Online!!

As most of you know, we are blessed with the amazing song-writing gifts of Greg and we are putting together a bunch of his songs. So, here you can find lyrics, chord charts and music in the PDF files as well as the 'scratch track' (guitar and vocal) for the songs. Listen to them, learn them, share them! Click on PDF to download lyrics, etc. or right-click on MP3 and select 'Save Target As..." to save mp3. Listen to the song in the player (scroll down using the bar on the right side of the player).

Alabaster Praise: PDF | MP3
Bind Us Together: PDF | MP3
Blessed Is He: PDF | MP3
Called: PDF | MP3
Firm Firm Firm Foundation: PDF | MP3
The Gathering Song: PDF | MP3
Grace For All: PDF | MP3
In the City: PDF | MP3
One God: PDF | MP3
Psalm 63: PDF | MP3
Simply Said: PDF | MP3
The Prize: PDF | MP3
To The Glory of Our God: PDF | MP3
Your Grace is Still Sufficient: PDF | MP3


Monday, February 5, 2007

Called to Ministry | Video

This video was used to proclaim the truth that we are ALL ministers of the Gospel. Being "called" doesn't necessarily mean dropping what you are doing and going somewhere else. It is our everyday life, every day. Produced by Scott Moore with the help of Mark Letchumanan, featuring several TILTers as well as some of Greg Kay's music!


Reconstructing the Image | Simon's Work Continues

Click on the image to see Simon's image week by week.
Simon Wukasch | From Reconstructin...


Monday, January 29, 2007

Art from this week

S. Wukasch | From Reconstructin...S. Moore | From Reconstructin...
Images from last night's evening centred around "A Sabbath Way of Life".


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Reconstructing the Call: Week Two

Simon's visual representation of the reconstruction of God's call on our lives continues!
From Reconstructin...


Reconstructing the Call: Set-up

This was part of the physical set-up at TILT. The painting was used as the projection screen, here just added as a background image. The set-up is part of the "Reconstructing the Call" series - seeking to break down our poor assumptions about what it means to be "called". This video harkens us back to the baptism of Jesus and our own baptisms as well (if we've been baptized).
Here's the background painting by Monica:

By Monica Kay | From Paintings


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Reconstructing the Call: Week One

We are very excited to have commissioned Simon Wukasch, a good friend to many of us at TILT, to design a image reflecting our current series entitled "Reconstructing the Call". Since we are 'reconstructing' the call, the image will be constructed throughout the seven week series beginning on January 14th.
From Reconstructin...

NOTE: Internet Explorer users...Clicking on the picture opens up a new window, which is fine. If you have pop-up blocker activated, press "CTRL" while clicking on the link.


Friday, January 5, 2007

The Present Kingdom

Created by Dan Stewart and Scott Moore for part of a series on the Present Reality of God's Kingdom. It was used as a way to incorporate Scripture into our community and daily lives. All of the people in the film are part of the TILT community ( Music by Telepopmusik.


Bless the Nations Video

This is just one straight shot taken from Yonge and Eglinton. This is really a 40 minute take that was played during the background of a sermon on what it means to be called and how being God's 'chosen people' is really about being chosen for others. It was during a series on God's covenant with Abraham. The music is Taylor Sorenson's "The World Keeps Spinning".


Jesus: Both God and Man Video

This a video made last year during a series on the Incarnation, which is when God became "flesh" or human, in the person of Jesus Christ. It was made from various shots of films made about Jesus, with music by Delirious (There is a Light) and David Crowder (Deliver Me).


Thursday, January 4, 2007

More images from songs

Here are some more of the images that are used while we sing at TILT. Please email TILT if you would like original files or to use these pictures publicly.


Images used in song at TILT

During our times of singing together, we use slides with images in the backgrounds to emphasize the words we are voicing. Here are some of them! Feel free to use them as desktop backgrounds, or whatever. Please email TILT if you would like original files or to use these pictures publicly.


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Previous Paintings at TILT

Art, in various media, is an integral part of worship at TILT as often as possible. We love having various people from within the community express their faith in God through painting, photography, and any other art forms. Here are a few paintings from a series we did on 1 John. Click on any of the paintings to go to the album and view a brief explanation on the painting from the artist.

By Gwyneth Carey-Smith | From PaintingsBy Monica Kay | From Paintings

By Monica Kay & TILT Community | From Paintings

By Monica Kay | From Paintings


Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Designed Images

We often have an image which reflects a theme we are doing at TILT, or images are created for certain aspects of a gathering such as prayer. Here are a bunch of them:


TILT's Incarnation Art Piece

From January to Easter of 2006, we journeyed together exploring the Incarnation, which is God becoming human or 'flesh' in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Through the series, the whole community of TILT contributed to this piece in an attempt to put "flesh" on who Jesus is.

By the TILT Community | From Paintings